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The Myth of Landscape Fabric: Regenerative Alternatives for ControllING WEEDS

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

In the realm of landscaping, weed control is an ongoing battle. Many homeowners and gardeners turn to landscape fabric as a seemingly convenient solution. However, this widely used method falls short in the long run, both in terms of efficacy and environmental impact. In this blog post, we delve into the reasons why landscape fabric fails as a sustainable weed control option and shed light on superior alternatives such as cardboard, sheet mulching, and dense planting.


Landscape fabric is a synthetic material that is often touted as a weed control miracle. It is designed to inhibit weed growth by blocking sunlight and serving as a physical barrier, preventing weed seeds from reaching the soil. However, its effectiveness is short-lived, as numerous drawbacks become apparent over time.

a) Weed Persistence: Weeds are remarkably adaptable and resourceful. Despite landscape fabric's initial barrier, weed seeds can still find their way through openings, cracks, and edges. Over time, wind-borne seeds, soil-borne seeds, and even dormant weed seeds already present in the soil can infiltrate and germinate, rendering the fabric ineffective. In a short period of time, many times less that a year, areas that have been treated by weed fabric installation are indistinguishable from ones that are absent the same treatment.

b) Soil Health Impairment: Landscape fabric hinders the natural processes that promote healthy soil ecosystems. It restricts air circulation, moisture absorption, and organic matter decomposition, negatively impacting the microbial and fungal communities crucial for soil fertility and plant health. Some landscape fabric is completely impermeable, rendering water’s normal path through the soil impossible. This can cause flooding issues while starving plants of their most important resource.

c) Synthetic Material Degradation: The materials used to create weed fabric are typically plastic, rubber, or a synthetic felt-like material. When installed into the ground they over time begin the process of decomposition, like anything that gets buried. Many of the weed fabric applications landscapers come across have disintegrated into tiny pieces in a few short years due to digging, planting through them, or just weed persistence. They are incredibly difficult to remove as a result, creating plastic shards that stay in our soil forever.

Luckily, there are strategies that can take the place of landscape fabric to control weeds that are beneficial to the environment. Regenerative landscapers can use these practices independently of each other or in combination, depending on the application.


As an eco-friendly alternative, cardboard provides numerous benefits for effective and sustainable weed control.

a) Weed Suppression: Cardboard acts as a physical barrier that blocks sunlight, stifling weed growth and preventing seed germination. Its dense structure effectively smothers existing weeds while suppressing new growth.

b) Soil Enrichment: Unlike landscape fabric, cardboard decomposes over time, adding organic matter to the soil. This decomposition process enhances soil structure, promotes beneficial microorganisms, and boosts overall soil health.

c) Cost-effective and Readily Available: Cardboard is a low-cost or even free material, making it accessible to all. It is widely available, often obtained from local businesses or recycling centers, and can be easily installed without specialized equipment. Similar to when recycling cardboard, it is important to remove tape from it prior to installation into the ground.


Sheet mulching, sometimes known as lasagna gardening, is a proven technique for long-term weed control and soil improvement. It emulates the layering process that happens in nature as plants shed their dead material, and as a result creates rich, fertile soil in which weeds have a harder time germinating.

a) Layered Approach: Sheet mulching involves covering the soil with a series of organic materials such as cardboard, newspaper, compost, straw, and leaves, and bark mulch. This layering blocks sunlight, smothers weeds, and gradually breaks down, enriching the soil in the process.

b) Moisture Retention and Weed Suppression: Sheet mulching creates a moisture-retentive environment, reducing water evaporation and promoting deep root growth. Additionally, it offers an effective weed barrier by preventing light from reaching the soil, inhibiting weed germination.

c) Soil Regeneration: As the organic materials break down, they contribute essential nutrients and organic matter to the soil, improving its structure, fertility, and overall health. This regeneration process fosters an ecosystem where plants can thrive while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.

d) Simple Application: Sheet mulching can seem complicated with many layers, but the goal of creating a dense layer of mulch is the core of its application. Many regenerative landscapers complete their sheet mulch with an application as simple as 3 inches of compost, paper or cardboard, then 3 inches of bark mulch.


Harnessing the power of nature itself, dense planting provides a natural defense against weeds while creating an aesthetically pleasing landscape.

a) Maximizing Space: By planting closely together, plants create a dense canopy over the ground that shades the soil, minimizing sunlight availability for weed growth. The resulting competition for resources, such as water and nutrients, further suppresses weed growth.

b) Biodiversity and Ecological Balance: Dense planting promotes biodiversity by providing habitat and food sources for beneficial insects and wildlife. This ecological balance reduces the likelihood of pest outbreaks and enhances the overall resilience of the landscape.

c) Sustainable Aesthetics: Dense planting creates visually appealing landscapes, with plants growing in harmony and forming a lush and vibrant tapestry. This natural beauty eliminates the need for chemical herbicides or unsightly fabric barriers.


Landscape fabric may initially seem like an attractive weed control option, but it fails to deliver long-term results and has adverse environmental consequences. As with many "cure-all" products advertised, it doesn't live up to the hype associated with it.

The inconvenient truth is that it is impossible to get rid of weeds in a garden. They will always pop up, giving us small amounts of work to do in exchange for showing us where there is room to add more plants or more biodiversity. Pulling weeds is a chore, but can teach us a lot.

Embracing sustainable alternatives like cardboard, sheet mulching, and dense planting gets us one step ahead of them, offering superior weed control while promoting soil health, biodiversity, and aesthetic appeal. Let's shift our focus toward regenerative practices that benefit both our landscapes and the planet we call home.


Dryland Revival is on a mission to build back dryland ecosystems, one lawn replacement at a time. Popular domestic landscaping wastes immense amounts of resources and dumps toxic chemicals into our drinking water.


By building self-nourishing systems that bolster biodiversity and incentivize the presence of native beneficials, we create resilient, manageable ecosystems and enjoy our relationship with our space.

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